Conference 2025:
Thursday April 10th, 2025
All Means All: Reigniting our Commitment to Inclusive Education
Registration Opening Soon!
Proven Success
in Today's World

We have traveled a long way to today when inclusion is common in our language, and reflects what we now know about how all students should learn.
Canadian Research
Centre on Inclusive Education

The Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education and the Coaching to Inclusion Committee enjoy a synergistic partnership of researchers and practitioners. For more info visit www.inclusiveeducationresearch.com
Full and Meaningful Inclusion

Our goal is to help our schools and community to understand that full and meaningful inclusion is the norm in a world where all are valued and respected as competent individuals, their dignity safeguarded, their inner spirits treasured and their dreams pursued.
Coaching to Inclusion Conference 2019

On November 12, 2019 educators from school boards in southwestern Ontario gathered at the
board office of the London District CSB in London for the 21st Coaching to Inclusion Conference. This year’s theme was “Sharing our Best Practices”. Educators from two local boards and one community agency shared their experiences and tips on authentically including students of all abilities by working with educational assistants, and through curriculum modifications. Visit the Resources section to access the handouts from these sessions.
Thanks to all who attended, and to all those who helped to make the day a success!
I am a child.
I come to you, a teacher.
I bring you a whisper.
Can you hear the poem.
I am a child.
I come to you, a teacher.
Will learning be only about doing things right?
Or about doing the right thing?
A thing of joy, or of duty?
I am a child.
I come to you, a teacher.
Can you teach me to chart my journey, Or must you use a standard mesure
To place me always
In the shadow of others?
I am a child.
I come to you, a teacher.
Will I go away from you ascending my strengths,
Or hobbled by my weaknesses
I am a child.
I come to you, a teacher.
Will you tell me what to think,
Or show me how?
Will you teach me answers,
Or the symmertry of a question
well composed?
I am a child.
I come to you, a teacher.
Which will matter most to you,
My soul or my grade?
I am a child.
I come to you, a teacher.
I bring all I am.
All I can become
Do you understand the trust?