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Links to Handouts for Coaching to Inclusion 2019

​Please click on the links below to view the resources from this year's conference.

Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education

The Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education is a network of people from a range of stakeholders in education that provides a uniquely Canadian view of inclusive education. The partnership is comprised of people with expertise in leadership, varied research methodologies, and diverse theoretical approaches; experience working with diverse partners and stakeholders; and a range of approaches to and contexts for knowledge mobilization.

Council for Exceptional Children

The Council for Exceptional Children is an international community of professionals who are the voice and vision of special and gifted education. CEC's mission is to improve, through excellence and advocacy, the education and quality of life for children and youth with exceptionalities and to enhance engagement of their families.

Inclusive Education Canada

The web site for Inclusive Education Canada promotes the Canadian vision for inclusive education. It has been designed as a meeting place for parents, family members, teachers, education officials and community members who are committed to making inclusive education a reality in our communities.
Special Needs Opportunity Windows SNOW

Online workshops, curriculum materials, open discussion forums and other resources are available to assist parents and educators in using new technologies to benefit all learners. Best practices section includes ministry guidelines, teaching strategies, special programs and transition resources. Of special interest. Direct link to parent resources.

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